Over the past 6 weeks I have created this website along with an Instagram account and a Twitter account to provide information for people about some of the coolest gadgets out there. This activity teaches you a lot about how to be active and present online and on social media. It also highlights the advantages and power of networking. For example, as the area of focus of my podcast series was on 3D printing. I 3D printed a gift for my sister and she posted it on her social media and she got requests from some of her friends to have me make them one. I may in the future create an account dedicated to my 3D printing projects as that is an area I really feel like I have been moving towards lately. Social media is a powerful tool and can very easily link many people together. On my instagram account, it appears that I have followers that I don’t personally know from other countries. I didn’t even promote my page or include any public hashtags for my posts to appear in the explore feed. This modern age of globalization and technology is incredible. The internet is after all one of the greatest gadgets of all time.
The Gadget Guy