I am currently working on the next installment of my 3D printing podcast series with my good friend Vincent Olindo. In case you missed the first one, I went over some of the basics of 3D printing including an overview of how they work, what they are used for, and some of my experiences as a first time 3D printer. Looking ahead to the next one, I am very excited to have Vincent join me. Not only is he a great guy, but he started printing before me. He was one of the people that I had talked to when I first looked into getting a 3D printer. One of the first projects he worked on was 3D printing the wheels of a CO2 dragster car that qualified him for the Pennsylvania TSA State Competition. Vince and I will be talking about some of the projects that he has worked on in addition to any advice he has to give to beginners throughout both the printing process, but also in the design phase including some stress tests simulations he has done. Vince and I had also worked collaboratively to 3D model a bridge for a TSA bridge design competition so I have first hand experience of his knowledge of programs such as Fusion 360 which we use. So be sure to check it out when it comes out because it's going to be a good one.
Vincent Olindo Joins the Gadget Hub!
The Gadget Guy